News from the Top

An Auspicious Day


January 21, 2021

Witnessing the transition from the Trump administration to the Biden administration provides a clear point of delineation between what is hoped to be a period of response, toward a period of recovery. Aspirations for a brighter future has never been higher – free of COVID-19 and toward an era of rebuilding our communities more inclusive than ever before. Yes, there is a new U.S. president but even more historic, the nation celebrates its first woman of color as vice president.

The years ahead will be a new marathon of recovery. As noted last week, IDA members will need to maintain a sustained focus on longer-term rebuilding unlike the adrenaline-fueled response year that today we put behind us. Like the new administration, urban centers must begin to develop strategies for re-envisioning cities and our districts to include reductions in overall retail, fewer full-time office workers, continual shifts in multimodal transportation, and a greater emphasis on the importance of mixed income housing as a key driver rebuilding vital center cities and urban neighborhoods.

I expect the year ahead will have its challenges, but the last decade has taught me one very important fact: IDA members are visionary and influential innovators who unite private and public leaders behind shared community building solutions. IDA members are change leaders and problem solvers with boundless energy to address the challenges ahead. United together, our professional place management community will further demonstrate our essential nature as inclusive city builders.