News from the Top

IDA Gearing Up for Gathering of the Decade


I feel like we too can add to the abundant exclamations headlining news outlets these days. Whether it’s inflation unlike anything in 40 years, wildfires, election results, housing crisis – you name it.  We are surrounded by hyperbole. This is not to say we aren’t facing significant challenges, but in an increasingly polarized environment, it’s much too easy to simply react. We must instead settle in and focus on the recovery path forward.

Generations of leaders have faced myriad challenges in the past. Economic recessions, energy crises, wars, natural disasters and yes, even pandemics. The key is knowing our societies moved forward and continued to evolve. Leaders emerged and challenges were met, some better than others, but recovery will happen. Our opportunity is to step into today’s challenges and seek out the best recovery solutions for tomorrow. Today’s generation of leaders in many ways has been handed the gift of shaping our legacy for future generations.

So, I hope you can join the growing number of IDA members gathering in Vancouver. Attendance is on a record-breaking pace and I truly believe it will be, for place management, the gathering of the decade.