

Advancing Places: Parking & Mobility

Overview: To support local economies during the current pandemic, municipal and downtown district leaders will hear from three experts who have their eye on parking and curbside policies and opportunities for interventions. Learn about overall trends and implications resulting from changes in travel habits, declines in transit use, an anticipated rebound in commuting by private vehicle and an uptick in bicycling and curbside use.

Specific case studies will address loading needs, use of public space to support restaurants and take-out, contact-free technologies, flexible permitting, and overall nimbleness and responsiveness to support our business community and vulnerable workers.

June 19, 2020 | 11:15am ET (8:15am PT) 

Learning Objectives:

    • Learn how to use the current crisis to pilot ideas.
    • Understand ways to be nimble, cost-effective and demand-responsive with parking and curb management.
    • Learn about potential pitfalls to avoid and the opportunities to advance more equitable, healthy, affordable and convenient forms of transportation.

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Domain: Planning, Design and Infrastructure

Pricing: IDA Members: Free | Nonmembers: $40

Advancing Places is an online series aimed at empowering IDA members with the solutions needed to address the most critical urban issues of the day. This session will include a moderated Q&A and will be recorded for member and nonmember use in the future.


  • Adam Jones, Vice President of Operations and Parking, Downtown Tempe Authority (Tempe, AZ)
  • Brandy Stanley, Parking Services Manager, City of Las Vegas (Las Vegas, NV)
  • Tom Yardley, Principal, Stantec (Boston, MA)


  • David Downey, President & CEO, International Downtown Association (IDA)



Adam Jones


Brandy Stanley


Tom Yardley

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