U.S. Government Affairs

U.S. Government Affairs

The International Downtown Association (IDA) continues to be a strong advocate for our downtowns and city centers, empowering place management leaders with public policies for creating livable urban places for all. 

Every day, lawmakers at the federal, state, county and municipal levels make decisions that affect downtowns and city centers. IDA members have a unique perspective and understanding of the challenges and opportunities our cities face and offer important insights as policy is formed. IDA members’ voices must be heard when elected officials and senior administrators debate issues integral to the wellbeing of our cities. 

Local organizations dedicated to encouraging the viability and development of city centers must also take part in policy-making processes. Elected officials cannot weigh your organization’s perspective unless they hear from you. With IDA’s resources and aid, you can capitalize on every opportunity to serve as a committed advocate for your district. 

Join the IDA U.S. Advocacy Network to help raise the place management industry’s profile among policymakers. Be the first to know about how Washington politics will affect your downtown.  

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As downtowns across America confront a post-pandemic world of remote working and reduced demand for office space, IDA is working to help urban place management organizations adapt and foster vibrant city centers. 

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Homelessness touches Americans from all walks of life. IDA is working to increase investments that help communities across the country not only get people off the streets, but into permanent housing.  

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Crime, and the public’s perception of it, impacts the ability of America’s downtowns to recover from the pandemic. IDA supports federal policies that enable each community to tailor solutions to address their unique needs. 

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The housing crunch hurts nearly everyone, from families receiving public assistance to workers and young people who can’t afford market rate prices. IDA is working to advance policies that support the development of affordable and “missing middle” housing in and near city centers.  

Content and Resources:

As IDA works to advance its federal policy agenda, one of its most powerful assets is its members. Contacting your elected representatives is a great way to build support for pro-downtown policies and educate our nation’s leaders on the importance of urban placemaking. There are several easy ways in which IDA members can engage their House and Senate representatives. Click here to find out more about contacting your Representatives.  

Each year, members of Congress direct federal monies to specific projects in their communities, from transportation enhancements to public safety initiatives. Learn how urban place management organizations (UPMO) can apply for and secure federal funding for projects that make your downtowns vibrant places to live, play and work. IDA’s guide to congressionally directed spending provides step-by-step instructions, including key deadlines and tips on how to make the best case for funding. Download the handbook here.