Knowledge Center

SODO Track

The SODO Track is transforming the portal to Downtown Seattle—a two mile transit corridor lined by industrial building backs—into an imaginative raceway of art in motion for over 50,000 people to experience daily. What was once an industrial zone is now a world-class art destination and a fitting welcome to the international city Seattle has become.

In 2016, 4Culture commissioned 12 artists to produce 9 murals as a pilot to demonstrate the viability of the project to transform the view outside a bus and train window into a canvas for shared cultural experience. In 2017, the scope of impact increased dramatically, with 27 artists painting 20 murals. An additional 23 artists completed the transformation in 2018.

Produced by 4Culture, the project is curated by Gage Hamilton and led by Tamar Benzikry with support from the SODO BIA, King County Metro and Sound Transit, Urban ArtWorks, and the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation. Main challenges came from organizing the weeks, getting support from property owner and setting up a successful maintenance plan.

Project Details

SODO Track

SODO Business Improvement Area


Public Space Management and Operations
$600001 - $1000000

Project Resources