Greg Kats

Greg Kats

Founder & CEO, Smart Surfaces Coalition (Washington, DC)

Greg has played a substantial role in developing the clean energy, green building and decarbonization industries as a long-time thought leader and impact investor. He founded the Smart Surface Coalition in 2019 to slow global warming, redress social inequity and build urban resilience. He is also President of Capital E which invests in clean energy startups and works with governments, corporations and financial institutions to design, scale and implement clean energy and decarbonization.

Prior to this, he served as Managing Director of Good Energies, a global clean energy fund investing in clean energy and low carbon companies. He served for 5 years as the Director of Financing for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the US Department of Energy. Greg played a large role in designing and developing LEED, the green building standard, and received the first US Green Building Council Lifetime Achievement Award.