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Spring Towards Development This Season


Springtime at IDA has always been the season for professional development. Finally, we again have opportunities for in-person programming at a time that could never be more important.   

Professional development is vital at every level of an organization and even more critical given the uncertainty that lies ahead. How will our districts emerge from the COVID pandemic? The answers are not clear. We must work through the challenges. Certainly, professional development is a tool for employee retention. But more importantly, it is necessary to empower a talented workforce to innovate new solutions for the future.  

Just last week, I wrote about adaptive challenges. Through continuing professional development, exploration and engagement with peers across the country, the professional place management industry will further evolve beyond what we used to do and venture into new areas of service not previously delivered. We may find we need to reimagine the basics of place management to fit a new environment. We will find that we too, must evolve.  

So, whether you are attending the IDA Executive Leadership program next week, the IDA Emerging Leadership program this summer, or have an eye on the West Coast Urban District Forum in June, I urge you to find the educational opportunity you need to open new doors leading to innovative ideas.