Bicycle and Bikeshare

Adelee Grand Master Talk

Adelee Le Grand is a leader, with over two decades of experience, who is passionate about utilizing mobility as a tool to create and sustain vibrant equitable communities. As the HART CEO, she is focused on elevating the value of Public Mobility as the foundation of environmentally sustainable equitable communities.

Whose Road is it Anyway? (ATCM)

Space is at a premium. The hospitality sector needs to expand outdoors to be viable due to new capacity constraints, pedestrians need to spread out to physically distance and the car continues to be viewed as a key mode of transport with public transit usage declining this year. How do we manage these conflicting interests? Who gets priority to use our roads?

Curb Your Enthusiasm: It’s Not Just About Cars Anymore

The advent of smart and shared transportation systems, spanning from automated shuttles to electric scooters, is rapidly changing mobility in our downtowns. From creating loading zones for rideshare pick-ups, finding space for expanded bike share docks, and defining micro-mobility parking zones, to re-purposing travel lanes, designing shared spaces, managing increased shipping + deliveries, and removing parking requirements, downtowns across the country are handling new challenges creatively.

Growth Without Gridlock: Making the Case For Mobility Investments

Downtowns are transforming into more people-centered places by actively prioritizing transit, biking, and walking: the key to moving more people in the same street space. Not only does this require a different approach to planning and street design, but also requires a paradigm shift in thinking. In previously auto-centric cities, changing the status quo takes significant political will and intentional effort. In this session, hear cities’ strategies for making the case for sustainable mobility.

Downtown Mobility Planning: Connect Downtown

The Greater Des Moines Partnership collaborated with the Iowa Chapter of the Urban Land Institute and the City of Des Moines to seek transportation improvements that could help increase downtown vibrancy. Collectively, the organizations analyzed existing conditions by measuring a multitude of metrics such as traffic counts, bicycle usage, pedestrian traffic, ease of crossing at intersections, sidewalk connectivity, bicycle facilities, connections to trails, lane widths, and number of accidents.

Multi-Modal Engagement and Progress: Multi-Partner Efforts

BIDs across the U.S. describe how they advocate for planning strategies, invest in research and community outreach, support new infrastructure and technology, and develop partnerships to collaborate on multi-modal transportation initiatives that shift the language around parking challenges in downtowns. Collaborations and marketing efforts by the organizations ensure multi-modal transportation networks are successful additions to urban livability and vibrancy.

Coxe Avenue Complete Street Demonstration Project

The project was initiated to accelerate mobility improvements to a developing corridor in an Asheville neighborhood. Coxe Avenue formerly contained a high density of automotive uses but is now the site of mixed-use developments and dining options. The project involved a public engagement process, held on a compressed timeline. The design features a shared-use path and an intersection mural. The final installation includes eight new crosswalks, a multi-use path, and the 6,000 sq. ft. mural.

Downtown Orlando’s North Quarter Transportation Vision Study

To better serve area residents and businesses, and accommodate multiple forms of transportation, the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) hired a consultant to assess the feasibility of the two-way restoration. The results this process yielded supported the creation of a complete streets environment with a two-way restoration of Orange and Magnolia Avenues, more on-street parking, additional pedestrian crossings, enhanced landscaping, and completing a gap in a bicycle beltway.

37th Street Streetscape Improvement Project

The Hudson Yards Hell’s Kitchen Alliance came up with several innovative solutions to improve 37th Street between 9th and 10th Avenue in midtown Manhattan so that it is both functional and inviting. The BID added a series of elements to the street, including a mid-block crossing, three neckdowns, protected seating, over 30 planters, two murals and an extra-wide the parking lane, creating a de facto bike lane until an actual bike lane can be installed.

Increase the Use of Bicycles in Urban Places

The bicycle will play an increasingly important role as cities strive to provide multi-modal options for their ever-growing populations of urban dwellers. This webinar highlights the benefits of increased cycling and its selling points as a transportation alternative to single occupancy vehicles.

Curb Appeal: Tools for Prioritizing Curb Uses

Innovative disruption in mobility and economic development have created new demands on curb space in dense urban places. Traditional uses like metered parking and valet stands are often in conflict with new uses like food delivery, rideshare, and dockless mobility services. Learn how to quantify and analyze competing curb uses in existence today and gain tools to advocate for the reallocation of curb space to serve new priorities in your community.

Mode Split

Seattle is notorious for bad traffic. For the business community, this fact presented an obstacle for job growth. The Downtown Transportation Alliance formed Commute Seattle, a transportation management association incorporated within and managed by the Downtown Seattle Association, which collaborates with businesses to enable them to achieve community transportation objectives.

Downtown Greenway and Park Connector

For decades, two of the major parks and greenway segments in Downtown Huntsville were disconnected due to historically poor urban design and planning. This prevented downtown users from realizing the health, recreational, and multi-modal transportation benefits of an inter-connected downtown greenway network. One of the most unfortunate parts of the disconnection was that the segments contained affordable housing, senior housing, and newly developed urban lofts on each side.

Connect Downtown

Connect Downtown is an initiative led by the City of Des Moines, Urban Land Institute Iowa and the Greater Des Moines Partnership to investigate opportunities to make getting around downtown Des Moines safer, more comfortable and more convenient. The Connect Downtown project began with a survey of existing conditions in downtown including: traffic counts, bicycle usage, pedestrian traffic, ease of crossing at intersections, sidewalk widths, sidewalk connectivity, bicycle facilities, and more.

Bicycle Roadside Assistance Program

The Hartford Business Improvement District’s (HBID) free on-site bicycle roadside assistance program is the first of its kind in the nation. HBID Ambassadors will fix a flat, inflate a tire, replace a tube, reattach a slipped chain or tighten up loose bolts, free of charge, anywhere in our District. This program, designed to support cyclists and foster an increase in bicycle commuting, received international attention with news stories running in outlets across the US and Canada.

Top Issues Council: A Path Towards Better Bicycle and Bikeshare

This publication provides methods and examples relevant to urban place management organizations, including case studies and additional resources, on three focuses: Informing and educating community shareholders, advocating for biking and improvement, and encouraging and incentiviting bicycling.

Top Issues Council: Urban Mobility

Urban place management organizations can have a positive impact on urban mobility in their communities in a variety of different ways, from direct involvement to policy advocacy. The Council looks at public transportation, the growing demand for bike infrastructure, and the emergence of technology-driven changes to how people traverse urban places in the 21st century. This report provides suggestions and case studies meant to demonstrate the role UPMOs can play in the context of urban mobility.

Bikes, Brightline, and Mobility

This presentation discusses current trends regarding mobility of all kinds, their causes, and places to look for improvements.

Urban Mobility: The Role of Urban Place Management Organizations in Prioritizing Connectivity in Dowtnowns

Urban place management organizations are nimble in navigating transportation issues. The session will discuss trends and how UMPOs play an essential role in planning and implementing projects that improve connectivity in city centers including public transportation, bike infrastructure, transportation network companies and autonomous vehicles. UPMOs assist transportation projects at every level working with the community, government, and transportation agencies through every stage.

BIDs Want to Increase Use of Bicycles in Urban Places

In the rapidly evolving transportation landscape, the bicycle will play an increasingly important role as cities strive to provide multi-modal options for their ever-growing populations of urban dwellers. Efficiency, ease of use, and the ability to park almost anywhere make the bicycle perhaps the perfect vehicle for improving individual mobility in downtown and center city areas.