Board Development

Get the Most from Your Boards of Directors

At their best, board members can be amazing advocates who bring expertise and support. A successful board provides structure and oversight and ensures that the mission of the organization is being fulfilled. Learn the important policies, systems and tricks of the trade to create highly functioning boards.

Mastering the Art of Building Your Board

You face multiple challenges meeting your community’s needs, and your board can be your greatest asset or your biggest obstacle. This interactive session will share tips, proven tools and real-world examples that will help you attract and engage the right board members. Each member brings skills and motivations, and you’ll learn key strategies to get them all playing from the same sheet of music.

Effective Leadership and the Toolkit to Get it Done

This workshop will explore ways to maximize your staff and productivity, manage pressure and make decisions about new projects and priority setting. We will focus on Board development, strengthening the effectiveness of committees and ways to support and bolster the Executive Director and staff of your organization. You will leave with the tools to help explain the role of the Board versus the role of the staff and discuss some of the challenges of leading in today’s business climate.

Big Spring Partners Advisory Panel: Renewed Mission and Leadership

IDA’s Advisory Panels are a time-tested way to explore new ideas, solve difficult problems, and rally the board, staff and community around priority projects or topics. This panel focused on tailoring a fresh mission and vision for the downtown organization while also providing guidelines for how to hire and lead the organization. The report detail’s the panel’s findings and recommendations.

South Side Pittsburgh Advisory Panel: Mission Update and Solving Community Challenges

IDA’s Advisory Panels are a time-tested way to explore new ideas, solve difficult problems, and rally the board, staff and community around priority projects or topics. This panel focused on creating a strategic framework for the South Side Local Development Company, assessing the viability of an improvement district, and providing expert insight on best practices for economic vitality. The report details the panel’s findings and recommendations.

Good Governance: It may not be sexy, it’s the key to success

Governance is a constant work in progress, evolving and responding to changes in policy, regulation and the needs of volunteer Board/Commission members. NYC, Toronto and Chicago will share best practices of their BIDs/BIAs. While each city has approached governance differently, the three municipalities recognize that success of the districts relies heavily on good governance.