Cars and Carshare

Know Who is in Downtown (… and Where, Why and How)

Using big data to analyze movement patterns allows clients to fully understand who is coming to and through downtown, where they come from, why they travel (work, shop, etc.), and how they get there. In addition, data has shown that travel behaviors have major shifts by day, time of day and season. 

The Next Five Years and Beyond: Tools For Changing Mobility

Parking always represents an immediate issue. Cities are interested in avoiding or minimizing the need for expensive parking to support new investment as well as reducing automobile trips. This panel will explore near-term mobility strategies to address parking, including innovative, comprehensive suites of transportation demand management (TDM) tools.

Advancing Places: Parking & Mobility

To support local economies during the current pandemic, municipal and downtown district leaders will hear from three experts who have their eye on parking and curbside policies and opportunities for interventions. Learn about overall trends and implications resulting from changes in travel habits, declines in transit use, an anticipated rebound in commuting by private vehicle and an uptick in bicycling and curbside use.

Curb Your Enthusiasm: It’s Not Just About Cars Anymore

The advent of smart and shared transportation systems, spanning from automated shuttles to electric scooters, is rapidly changing mobility in our downtowns. From creating loading zones for rideshare pick-ups, finding space for expanded bike share docks, and defining micro-mobility parking zones, to re-purposing travel lanes, designing shared spaces, managing increased shipping + deliveries, and removing parking requirements, downtowns across the country are handling new challenges creatively.

Growth Without Gridlock: Making the Case For Mobility Investments

Downtowns are transforming into more people-centered places by actively prioritizing transit, biking, and walking: the key to moving more people in the same street space. Not only does this require a different approach to planning and street design, but also requires a paradigm shift in thinking. In previously auto-centric cities, changing the status quo takes significant political will and intentional effort. In this session, hear cities’ strategies for making the case for sustainable mobility.

Housing Attainability in Downtown Portland

In recent years, housing costs in Portland have been rising as the city becomes increasingly attractive within the State of Maine and as compared to other regions nationally. There has been little development of new housing affordable to current Portland residents and very little construction of new housing at all between 2007 and 2014. To address the issues of housing availability and affordability the City of Portland adopted a host of strategic policies and initiatives.

Parking Management

Following significant budget cuts for the City of Tempe in 2010, the Downtown Tempe Agency proposed to City leadership to take over the parking enforcement and presented a plan that involved using existing funds generated by the on-street meter program. They knew introducing a more consistent program would enable parking revenues to increase. The DTA also planned to replace the single space coin-fed meters with credit-card-enabled meters.

Downtown Orlando’s North Quarter Transportation Vision Study

To better serve area residents and businesses, and accommodate multiple forms of transportation, the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) hired a consultant to assess the feasibility of the two-way restoration. The results this process yielded supported the creation of a complete streets environment with a two-way restoration of Orange and Magnolia Avenues, more on-street parking, additional pedestrian crossings, enhanced landscaping, and completing a gap in a bicycle beltway.

Tony Seba Master Talk

Tony Seba is a lecturer in entrepreneurship disruption, and clean energy at Stanford University, a serial Silicon Valley entrepreneur and a world-renowned thought leader and speaker. He is the author of the #1 best-selling book “Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation – How Silicon Valley Will Make Oil, Nuclear, Natural Gas, Coal, Electric Utilities and Conventional Cars Obsolete by 2030”.

Rod Schebesch Master Talk

Rod Schebesch, Transportation Leader, Stantec’s Urban Place, has spent his 26-year career enhancing mobility. He specializes in the implementation of new transportation technology—and in understanding how that technology will transform North American transportation networks. With a focus on building smarter cities, Rod is always striving to find greater infrastructure efficiencies that positively impact the built environment.

Curb Appeal: Tools for Prioritizing Curb Uses

Innovative disruption in mobility and economic development have created new demands on curb space in dense urban places. Traditional uses like metered parking and valet stands are often in conflict with new uses like food delivery, rideshare, and dockless mobility services. Learn how to quantify and analyze competing curb uses in existence today and gain tools to advocate for the reallocation of curb space to serve new priorities in your community.

Mode Split

Seattle is notorious for bad traffic. For the business community, this fact presented an obstacle for job growth. The Downtown Transportation Alliance formed Commute Seattle, a transportation management association incorporated within and managed by the Downtown Seattle Association, which collaborates with businesses to enable them to achieve community transportation objectives.

34th Street Partnership Taxi Stand

The 34th Partnership (34SP), completed a year-long pilot project to improve their taxi stand on Seventh Avenue, between 31st and 33rd Streets. This stand is directly outside the main entrance of Penn Station, the continent’s busiest train terminus. The project had two goals, the first of which was to alleviate the chronic automobile congestion that had plagued the location for over a decade. The second was to efficiently direct people leaving Penn Station in need of a cab to the proper area.