
The Power of International Partnership

Ahead of Mayflower 400, the downtown orgs in Baltimore, MD and Southampton, UK have “twinned” with each other after meeting at the World Towns Leadership Summit in Berlin. With a mirrored history of waterfront regeneration, the two organizations have identified common themes and shared, knowledge, ideas, staff, and artists. The Japan Area Management Network will review its new collaboration with Singapore and South Korea on common issues and opportunities resulting from the summit in Tokyo.

Tyler Norris Master Talk

Tyler Norris, MDiv, is an entrepreneur and founder of over a dozen businesses and social ventures. His three decades of service in the public, private and non-profit sectors have focused on population health, community vitality, and equitable prosperity. Currently, he serves as vice president, Total Health Partnerships at Kaiser Permanente, where he helps lead the implementation of “anchor institution” work.

Effective Leadership and the Toolkit to Get it Done

This workshop will explore ways to maximize your staff and productivity, manage pressure and make decisions about new projects and priority setting. We will focus on Board development, strengthening the effectiveness of committees and ways to support and bolster the Executive Director and staff of your organization. You will leave with the tools to help explain the role of the Board versus the role of the staff and discuss some of the challenges of leading in today’s business climate.

Good Governance: It may not be sexy, it’s the key to success

Governance is a constant work in progress, evolving and responding to changes in policy, regulation and the needs of volunteer Board/Commission members. NYC, Toronto and Chicago will share best practices of their BIDs/BIAs. While each city has approached governance differently, the three municipalities recognize that success of the districts relies heavily on good governance.

The Economic and Cultural Impact of Downtown University and College Campuses

Are you maximizing the potential of your downtown’s town/gown relationship? Across North America, downtowns and higher education are forging partnerships by embedding classrooms and campuses in the downtown core, producing an enhanced college experience for students and increased economic vitality for downtowns. This webinar’s presenters share their experiences with their own town/gown relationships.