Smart Cities

Advancing Places: Implementing Technology in Place Management

New technology can streamline workflow for organizations and add a plethora of data to better manage urban districts. With a growth in cloud-based systems and visualization tools, leaders are now able to precisely monitor all aspects of operations — from wayfinding asset organization to task management. Learn how to establishing criteria for a successful technology implementation without being overwhelmed by too many digital options.

Project Spotlight: Technology in Your Community

Learn about data driven and predictive urban management and public safety. Working in partnership with global security service provider Securitas SA, the Voortrekker Road CID has built and managed its own centralized control center through which all reporting is processed into a powerful response database. In Downtown DC the BID worked with Cube 84 to integrate the BID’s Salesforce-based database with 311, the District of Columbia’s non-emergency hotline.

311 to Salesforce Integration Project

The DowntownDC BID worked with its contractor, Cube84, to integrate the BID’s instance of Salesforce-based database to the District of Columbia’s 311, non-emergency hotline. The BID works to monitor elements of public space such as sidewalks, streetlights, and street signs to help ensure they stay in a state of good repair. The BID reports defects in public space to 311 (referred to as cases) and works directly with the city agencies to ensure repairs are made in a timely manner.

Smart City Frontier

Cities across the world are becoming “smarter,” integrating technologies that communicate via the Internet of Things (IoT).  What’s on the horizon?  And, what is a district’s role in a burgeoning network of kiosks, cameras, trash compactors, scooters, automated vehicles and more?

DVBIA’s Ambassador Dashboard

The Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association (DVBIA) created a bespoke electronic dashboard to monitor and inform the DVBIA’s Clean & Safe team’s operations using collected data. The metrics on the dashboard focused on safety-related actions and observations such as reported theft from autos, open drug use, graffiti, and illegal encampments. The dashboard positively impacted the Clean & Safe team’s operations and accountability while also boosting the team’s morale.

Dan Koh Master Talk

Daniel Arrigg Koh is Chief of Staff to the City of Boston. In this capacity, he advises Mayor Martin J. Walsh on key issues and helps him execute his vision for the city and its 18,000 employees. During his master talk at the 62nd Annual Conference & Tradeshow in Atlanta, Georgia, Sept. 7-9, 2016, Dan discusses the use of data in improving city services, place management and city building.

Curb Appeal: Tools for Prioritizing Curb Uses

Innovative disruption in mobility and economic development have created new demands on curb space in dense urban places. Traditional uses like metered parking and valet stands are often in conflict with new uses like food delivery, rideshare, and dockless mobility services. Learn how to quantify and analyze competing curb uses in existence today and gain tools to advocate for the reallocation of curb space to serve new priorities in your community.

Redefining Downtown Vibrancy

Technology has dramatically changed how we navigate and interface with cities, how we draft strategies for economic development needs to be updated.

Downtown Mobility – How Technology is Changing the Way our Streets and Cities Function

Emerging transportation technology, new mobility concepts, and smarter infrastructure is helping cities tackle congestion and pollution challenges in new ways. From autonomous vehicles to artificial intelligence, connected service will create opportunities for new mobility options and force our streets to work differently than they ever have before. It is important that cities prepare for these changes to encourage seamless integration with existing public transportation.