Trash, Composting, Recycling

River District Clean and Safe Team

The Public Space Team, under the guidance of the Clean and Safe program manager keeps the River District public areas, such as streets, sidewalks, bike lanes and parks, free of stains, litter, graffiti and bad odors. Most candidates have been referred to the team through, a volunteer work program or local shelters and service providers.

Advancing Places: Talking Trash Part 2, Collective Composting in your District

In July 2022, IDA presented part one of Advancing Places: Talking Trash Recycling and Compacting where we explored recycling, managing ambassadors and clean teams. Join IDA and the US Composting Council along with two of their members for part two where we will learn about the importance of composting in cities, neighborhoods and downtown districts.  We will learn about the latest trends in composting and how to go about setting up a program.  

Improving Placemaking & Community Engagement with an Innovative Waste Solution

Due to pervasive public space waste issues, creating clean, welcoming, sustainable and resource-efficient spaces that engage and delight communities is an ongoing challenge for UPMOs. Learn how BigBelly combats visible waste, windblown litter, rats, birds, excessive waste collection, lack of recycling and compost infrastructure, and demands on maintenance staff.

Advancing Places: Talking Trash

Keeping our districts clean can be a daunting task. Hear how three district experts, with a multitude of talents, are managing ambassador and clean teams. In this session, learn about their approach to cleaning as well as other areas related to public space management.

Operations 2020: Never Would I Ever Thought I’d Be Doing “_____”!

This year has been unlike any other and essential workers in the operations realm had to adapt quickly to unprecedented challenges, often directly on the front lines. If you’re doing things you never thought you’d be doing, then we want to hear about it! Join your fellow Operations colleagues in an open-forum discussion where you will have an opportunity to share your wildest experiences and hear how your colleagues have adapted as well.

Downtown Organic Waste Diversion Pilot Program

In 2017 the Downtown Kitchener BIA formed a Waste Task Force Committee. This Committee worked towards finding solutions for managing waste in our core. Through membership surveys and feedback, Clean Team 2 was launched; a successful program focused on moving garbage away from King Street and several side streets. Clean Team 2 is another beautification effort to improve the curbside appearance and embrace the funding invested in restaurant patios.

Smart City Frontier

Cities across the world are becoming “smarter,” integrating technologies that communicate via the Internet of Things (IoT).  What’s on the horizon?  And, what is a district’s role in a burgeoning network of kiosks, cameras, trash compactors, scooters, automated vehicles and more?

Peering into the Crystal Ball: Adapting to a Changing Climate

Addressing sustainability and resilience is critical to the future of our cities. Urban management districts are uniquely positioned to implement key strategies, from grassroots efforts to more large-scale planning initiatives. Learn how several downtowns across North America are catalyzing and advancing sustainability in their districts.

Dan Koh Master Talk

Daniel Arrigg Koh is Chief of Staff to the City of Boston. In this capacity, he advises Mayor Martin J. Walsh on key issues and helps him execute his vision for the city and its 18,000 employees. During his master talk at the 62nd Annual Conference & Tradeshow in Atlanta, Georgia, Sept. 7-9, 2016, Dan discusses the use of data in improving city services, place management and city building.

Clean Streets Team

The Waterfront BIA introduces its new Clean Streets Team, in partnership with Progress Place! Progress Place offers an inclusive, respectful and engaging community for people living with a mental illness. Combining a comprehensive network of services that includes employment, education, recreation and housing, they are committed to helping people stay out of hospitals, achieve their personal goals and contribute to the communities they live in. The team also does cleaning operations.

Nighttime Economy: A Guide for Emerging, Growing and Established Downtowns

The members of the Nighttime Economy Top Issues Council will present their findings and explain their process in the drafting of the various facets of a healthy nighttime economy. Delve deeper into the four main topics discussed in the final Top Issues Council report: Nighttime Infrastructure, Social and community safety, Activation and Engagement, and Quality of Life Mitigation.

Trash Talks: Approaches for a Waste-Free Public Realm

The cleanliness of a neighborhood’s streets and sidewalks is one of the most visible metrics by which urban place management organizations are evaluated. BIDs get firsthand experience with the impacts of too much trash on budgets, pedestrian activity, and business retention. Practitioners will share learnings on moving towards a sustainable and waste-free public realm by partnering with property owners and businesses and implementing innovative solutions.

Teaming Up To Clean Up

Teaming Up To Clean Up showcases partnerships with local stakeholders to clean and beautify their cities. Best practices include businesses and communities working together to improve storefronts, and reduce graffiti and litter while focusing on cigarette litter, recycling, and needle waste. Case studies in this presentation show how organizations can achieve best practices in maintaining cleanliness and building vibrancy in urban settings.