Clean, Safe, and Hospitality

Advancing Places: Technology Trends for Managing Operations

Are you managing your district operations? Digital platforms enable UPMOs to deliver accurate information for more effective decision making. In this webinar recording, learn from four practitioners about the tools and technology they are using in their district to power more efficient operations.

River District Clean and Safe Team

The Public Space Team, under the guidance of the Clean and Safe program manager keeps the River District public areas, such as streets, sidewalks, bike lanes and parks, free of stains, litter, graffiti and bad odors. Most candidates have been referred to the team through, a volunteer work program or local shelters and service providers.

The Community Engagement Team

The Community Engagement Team (CET) is a unique, business-led outreach team that provides rapid response support and intervention for non-violent crisis situations and traditional street outreach services in Downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The CET partners with Toronto Police to divert vulnerable individuals from the criminal justice system and into local community support programs.

Advancing Places: Talking Trash Part 2, Collective Composting in your District

In July 2022, IDA presented part one of Advancing Places: Talking Trash Recycling and Compacting where we explored recycling, managing ambassadors and clean teams. Join IDA and the US Composting Council along with two of their members for part two where we will learn about the importance of composting in cities, neighborhoods and downtown districts.  We will learn about the latest trends in composting and how to go about setting up a program.  

Public Safety Initiatives

Clean and Safe has long played a central role in place management, but public safety has taken on increasing importance amidst the protracted return to work, increases in homelessness, and efforts to square law enforcement practices with demands for social justice.

Principals & Practices of Operations

Operations in place management covers a wide scope of work from cleaning and maintenance to providing on-street services addressing safety and quality of life issues. For new professionals to be successful in their role as operations staff they need to have an understanding of building and running a successful operations program that caters to the unique challenges and opportunities in their districts.

Improving Placemaking & Community Engagement with an Innovative Waste Solution

Due to pervasive public space waste issues, creating clean, welcoming, sustainable and resource-efficient spaces that engage and delight communities is an ongoing challenge for UPMOs. Learn how BigBelly combats visible waste, windblown litter, rats, birds, excessive waste collection, lack of recycling and compost infrastructure, and demands on maintenance staff.

Breaking New Ground for Safety Operations

Learn from three operations practitioners and their strategies for ambassador training, hiring licensed security, off-duty police officers and how the built environment can help to deter crime.

ATL Downtown Counts: Street Homelessness Survey

The Atlanta Downtown Improvement District conducted the first and only real-time enumeration survey of street homelessness targeted solely in downtown Atlanta and funded by the Community Improvement District. The survey was an all-volunteer, one-day outdoor event adhering to COVID-19 guidelines. Partner agencies included the Atlanta Police Department, the ADID Ambassador Force and a large group of downtown business and residential stakeholders.

Advancing Places: Talking Trash

Keeping our districts clean can be a daunting task. Hear how three district experts, with a multitude of talents, are managing ambassador and clean teams. In this session, learn about their approach to cleaning as well as other areas related to public space management.

A Tale of Two Ambassador Programs

In 2022, San Francisco granted $20M for two radically different ambassador programs poised to meet distinct needs exacerbated by the pandemic. One program inspires pride and hospitality as hosts to tourists across various districts. The other partners a business association with a unique social enterprise to radically transform some of the most challenging blocks in the nation. Download this presentation from team supporting the launch, scalability and management of both programs. 

A Tale of Three Cities Fueling Recovery

This presentation focused on three cities (San Francisco, Berkeley, and Los Angeles) and how they identified challenges the pandemic presented to their downtowns and strategies being implemented to fuel the recovery. Challenges include the increase of homelessness and violence related to the civil unrest; lack of pedestrian traffic and downtown workers; and the role safety, security and cleaning played during the pandemic. Learn what strategies were implemented and positive outcomes achieved. 

Advancing Places: Public Safety Roundtable 

Public safety has always been at the forefront of the work of UPMOs. The reality and perception of crime in dense urban districts continue to impact the return of workers and vibrancy in the urban core. IDA is inventorying best practices and trends and will publish findings from this discussion and other data collection. Participants will be split into breakout rooms to maximize discussion time. Please note: the breakout rooms of this discussion were not recorded. 

Adapting Public Realm Innovations to Post-Pandemic Downtowns

How can mixed-use downtowns build on learnings from COVID-19 to enhance the public realm and boost commercial vibrancy? This session explores opportunities for BIDs to adapt pilot projects developed in the last year (shared/pedestrian priority streets, temporary plazas and outdoor dining) into long-term initiatives to increase foot traffic, retail activation and entice office tenants to return to the workplace.

Agility in the Face of Uncertainty

When the SA Government implemented one of the harshest lockdown responses to Covid-19 in the world, fear and confusion prevailed. The CCID, which operates in downtown Cape Town, sprang into action, agilely changing the operational strategy of 3 departments to meet the needs of a deserted downtown

Advancing Places: Talking Snow in the Summer Heat

While most of the nation is sweltering in record heat, many of us in the operations world are already in deep preparations for winter weather. Representatives from Cleveland, Denver and Edmonton will discuss the preparations they undertake to be ready for winter weather, specific areas of management and responsibilities, and the partnerships they depend on to keep their districts accessible and safe throughout the winter months.

Advancing Places: Successful Ambassador Teams

As districts enter into the open-for-business phase, it’s important to know the types of services that downtown and neighborhood districts should consider offering to local stakeholders. From safety and security to hospitality and outreach, district service programs can ensure businesses, residents and visitors are taken care of. Join this webinar and hear from two practitioners who are offering different types of programs and how services are unique to each districts’ needs.

Advancing Places: Contracting & Procurement for District Organizations

This webinar will focus on the various details involved when writing a request for proposal (RFP), focusing on what questions district leaders should being asking when considering entering a contract with a third party and when to consider initiating a formal procurement process. Hear from panelists about how to set up standard operation procedures (SOPs) for contracting and procurement along with sample timelines and RFPs.

Advancing Places: Graffiti and Murals

Unwelcome graffiti can significantly affect the perceptions of cleanliness and safety in a district. Questions surrounding who is physically responsible and economically liable for removal can cause confusion among urban place leaders, business owners and local government officials. This session will explore how three graffiti removal programs were established and maintained to positively impact their district.

Advancing Places: Emergency Preparedness

Urban place management organizations are increasingly at the forefront of emergency preparedness. Today, UPMOs are working closer than ever with members, security and building managers, police and fire departments and government emergency professionals to ensure a safe and secure district. Hear from expert panelists on their approach to planning, training and communication strategies that can be scaled for any size district.

Project Spotlight: Technology in Your Community

Learn about data driven and predictive urban management and public safety. Working in partnership with global security service provider Securitas SA, the Voortrekker Road CID has built and managed its own centralized control center through which all reporting is processed into a powerful response database. In Downtown DC the BID worked with Cube 84 to integrate the BID’s Salesforce-based database with 311, the District of Columbia’s non-emergency hotline.

Operations 2020: Never Would I Ever Thought I’d Be Doing “_____”!

This year has been unlike any other and essential workers in the operations realm had to adapt quickly to unprecedented challenges, often directly on the front lines. If you’re doing things you never thought you’d be doing, then we want to hear about it! Join your fellow Operations colleagues in an open-forum discussion where you will have an opportunity to share your wildest experiences and hear how your colleagues have adapted as well.

A New Decade of Upward Mobility for Placemaking Ambassadors

In this new decade of placemaking, equity and upward mobility, opportunities should exist at all levels in the urban place management industry. This session addresses development opportunities and how organizations can actively engage and take a fresh approach to workforce development for frontline staff. We will discuss how the DowntownDC BID secured a grant to train and hire 23 ambassadors with employment challenges.

Shock Absorber: Bouncing Back from Major Crises

2020 may be the year that tested our fortitude more than any other in a generation. Beyond COVID, it seems that downtowns everywhere have become the epicenter for other shocks such as environment damage, economic impacts and social unrest. Join the conversation as we explore how communities in different contexts have responded to various shocks to their system and how they built back stronger.

Health and Safety in the Public Realm: Frontline Staffing

The COVID-19 pandemic and public protests have put additional pressure on clean and safe teams to consider higher levels of cleanliness and safety unlike anything they have dealt with before. Join operations professionals to discuss keeping frontline staff and the public realm clean, safe and healthy.

Lateefah Simon Master Talk

Lateefah Simon is a 20-year veteran organizer for racial justice in Oakland and the Bay Area. She has been the President of the Akonadi Foundation since 2016. That same year—driven by the death of Oscar Grant—she ran and was elected to the Bay Area Rapid Transit Board of Directors—of which she now serves as President.

Adjustments to Clean and Safe Programs Since COVID-19

The pandemic hit downtowns extremely hard in mid-March of this year. With shelter-in-place orders, businesses closures and as much as a 90% decrease in pedestrian traffic, downtowns had to adjust their programs.

Coordination and Communication Lessons Learned from Civil Unrest

Urban place management organizations around the would have faced many challenges during 2020. Many districts have seen significant protest activity as many around the world speak up against inequality and for social change. This session will discuss coordination and communication lessons learned from Minneapolis and Washington, DC. No one city has all the answers in how best to prepare and respond, so this session will also feature time to learn from each other.

Public Safety Alternatives

Public safety reforms can be a polarizing conversation, but it is not one we should avoid. Rather, we should face the challenge, embrace the conversation and look at alternatives to providing safety. When we do so, we will find a plethora of programs that address the problems our urban districts face. Please join us as we explore three unique programs addressing sobriety and diversion, mental health and reducing violence by using disease control and behavior methods.

311 to Salesforce Integration Project

The DowntownDC BID worked with its contractor, Cube84, to integrate the BID’s instance of Salesforce-based database to the District of Columbia’s 311, non-emergency hotline. The BID works to monitor elements of public space such as sidewalks, streetlights, and street signs to help ensure they stay in a state of good repair. The BID reports defects in public space to 311 (referred to as cases) and works directly with the city agencies to ensure repairs are made in a timely manner.

Data-driven/Predictive Urban Management and Public Safety for a Safer City

This project focuses on how the power of technology can be harnessed to streamline and empower urban management practices for greater accuracy and better outcomes. Working in partnership with global security service provider Securitas SA, the VRCID invested in advanced technology to extend its surveillance. It is one of a handful of improvement districts in South Africa to build and manage its own centralised control centre through which all reporting is processed into a response database.

Ballard Alliance Clean Streets Program

The Ballard Alliance partnered with Millionair Club Charity (MCC) to provide twice weekly cleaning services and the annual fall leaf cleaning. The MCC is a nonprofit that employs homeless individuals and provides them with work, job training, and wrap-around services that help remove barriers so they can support themselves. The Alliance selected the MCC as its partner because they are qualified to do the work and because it has a direct positive impact on the homelessness crisis in Seattle.

Downtown Organic Waste Diversion Pilot Program

In 2017 the Downtown Kitchener BIA formed a Waste Task Force Committee. This Committee worked towards finding solutions for managing waste in our core. Through membership surveys and feedback, Clean Team 2 was launched; a successful program focused on moving garbage away from King Street and several side streets. Clean Team 2 is another beautification effort to improve the curbside appearance and embrace the funding invested in restaurant patios.

Transformation of 16th Street Mall

While considered the spine of downtown Denver, by 2016, the Mall’s image had become one of a place overrun by homeless and violent individuals. Comments on social media and media reports led to a general perception that the Mall was lost to crime and homelessness and not a place to visit. However, what most of the public did not realize was that the Downtown Denver Partnership had already been working with stakeholders to develop a Security Action Plan (SAP).