
Diversifying District Revenues Through 501c3 Nonprofits

Diversified revenue streams are critical for robust, sustainable and successful place-based management districts. Many place-based management organizations maintain a 501(c)3 nonprofit entity. However, only some maximize the potential of creating vibrant districts through a comprehensive philanthropic strategy.

Rethinking Your Organization and Informing PBID Renewal

Coming out of the pandemic, all businesses are rethinking their business model, including place management organizations. This presentation examined how strategic planning for place management organizations is also translating into the renewal of PBIDs, the primary source of funding for many downtowns in the west. The results may surprise you as illustrated by two downtown organizations that are innovating, and pushing PBID boundaries, including aggressive increases in funding.

Advancing Places: Membership and Fundraising

Membership and fundraising during given the rise of financial insecurity amid a public health crisis. Learn from three practitioners from three different types of organizations on how they are working to engage and retain members and stakeholders during these challenging times. Bring your questions for a lively conversation!

Bringing Innovation to Sponsorships

The most unique and successful sponsorships utilize available assets such as events, initiatives, infrastructure and more to deepen a connection with the target audiences. If a BID is innovative and nimble when developing the sponsorship strategy and activation, both the sponsor and the BID will win. A strong activation is defined by the way the brand/sponsor, assets and promotional levers are used together to drive results and tell a larger story.


As our organization was not formed with residents in mind, we had to think strategically about how we could best encourage and engage our growing number of multi-family properties and tenants. We determined that to secure the long-term sustainability of the BID, we must work in partnership with our multi-family owners and inspire them contribute resources and perspective to the BID. We developed BallstonConnect Club, an all-inclusive, membership program now covering over 3,000 residents growing!

Sponsorships, Marketing and the Controlled Chaos of Events

This session is designed to aid districts in navigating the ins and outs of event sponsorships and marketing. Learn about knowing what types of events best suit your districts, when and what to market, as well as how to capitalize on sponsorship opportunities. Case studies include Pittsburgh’s “Picklesburg,” Wilmington’s hurricane recovery events and Hartford’s multitiered space activation.

NYC BID Trends Report – Telling the Story of NYC BIDs

The annual NYC BID Trends Report targets multiple audiences, serving both a promotional and educational role for the public and NYC BIDs themselves. SBS collects, analyzes, and features program output data, budget information, and highlights of exceptional programming in this report each year. The report highlights the overall impact and financial data for all BIDs and expense and output data organized by comparable BID cohorts. The report also provides financial and output data from individual BIDs.

Tyler Norris Master Talk

Tyler Norris, MDiv, is an entrepreneur and founder of over a dozen businesses and social ventures. His three decades of service in the public, private and non-profit sectors have focused on population health, community vitality, and equitable prosperity. Currently, he serves as vice president, Total Health Partnerships at Kaiser Permanente, where he helps lead the implementation of “anchor institution” work.

Big Spring Partners Advisory Panel: Renewed Mission and Leadership

IDA’s Advisory Panels are a time-tested way to explore new ideas, solve difficult problems, and rally the board, staff and community around priority projects or topics. This panel focused on tailoring a fresh mission and vision for the downtown organization while also providing guidelines for how to hire and lead the organization. The report detail’s the panel’s findings and recommendations.

Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership Advisory Panel: Strategic Visioning

IDA’s Advisory Panels are a time-tested way to explore new ideas, solve difficult problems, and rally the board, staff and community around priority projects or topics. The CHDP was looking to refine their organization’s mission and community vision ahead of their search for a new executive director. The report details the panel’s findings and recommendations.

Huntington Beach Downtown BID Advisory Panel: Visioning and Organizational Restructuring

IDA’s Advisory Panels are a time-tested way to explore new ideas, solve difficult problems, and rally the board, staff and community around priority projects or topics. This panel focused on creating a fresh strategic vision and a restructuring of the management organization to improve efficiency. The report details the panel’s findings and recommendations.

Good Governance: It may not be sexy, it’s the key to success

Governance is a constant work in progress, evolving and responding to changes in policy, regulation and the needs of volunteer Board/Commission members. NYC, Toronto and Chicago will share best practices of their BIDs/BIAs. While each city has approached governance differently, the three municipalities recognize that success of the districts relies heavily on good governance.

12 Steps to Sponsorship Success

This presentation teaches the proper sales method for garnering the most sponsorships in any economy and how to position your sponsorship so that people want to buy it. You will be given the 12 steps needed to ensure sponsorship success from initial concept, to taking inventory, to establishing media partners, to determining your best partners, the sales process, making the sale, and post event follow up to ensure renewal.