Government Relationships

Policy and Advocacy Made Easy!

Today, the most impactful leaders in the place management industry are getting political. Many of us work closely with our local city governments and build strong relationships with the key officials and allies we can rely upon when we need to take action. But, with everything we have going on in our day-to-day duties, keeping up with legislation at the state level can be challenging.

CDA’s Legislative Priorities & Advocacy Strategy

This presentation outlines initiatives CDA is leading to address homelessness and mental health, support economic recovery and bring certainty to BIDs during the renewal and formation process. Originally presented at West Coast Urban District Forum in June 2022.

Lessons from an Emergency: Crisis Ops for Social Issues

In December 2021, San Francisco Mayor London Breed declared a 90-day state of emergency for the overdose crisis in downtown. Together with place management organizations, city departments commanded by the Department of Emergency Management developed a disaster relief framework for long-term operations to address the most intractable issues at the intersection of crime, homelessness, mental health and substance use disorder.

How BIDs Collaborate with Their Cities

Three different BIDs relate how they work with their cities on both day-to-day and project-based economic development. Learn how each BID has created its own working relationship with key city leadership, and how they work together on everything from business attraction to project formulation.

One National Voice: An Urban Agenda 2019 (EN)

One National Voice: An Urban Agenda 2019 aims to create a united voice about national issues affecting the downtowns and main streets of Canada’s cities and towns, and identifies five national issues of great importance to all BIAs and SDCs. It outlines a platform by which commercial areas in cities and towns can become more socially balanced, economically energized, culturally dynamic and innovatively robust, and environmentally sustainable and resilient.

Form Follows Finance: Unplugging Economic and Planning Barriers

Data visualizations, economic impact modeling and policy hacks, oh my! This session is a must for anyone interested in the intersection of downtown economic development, placemaking, Smart Growth and regional infrastructure development. Participants will learn about cutting edge applications of geoaccounting, design and ninja policy moves in downtown Durham, NC and Minneapolis, MN.